If you - like me - are thinking WHO IS THIS PERSON? Uploading almost regularly? And a wrap-up? We haven't seen one of those since MARCH! -- Well, meet the new me! Let's enjoy it while it lasts. At the moment, I'm at that stage in my semester where I should really start studying for my exams but it doesn't feel urgent enough yet that I wouldn't try and procrastinate by doing literally anything else. So here I am, blogging! Which isn't the worst way to procrastinate, if you ask me. Unfortunately, the weather here isn't on my side recently and it's been way too dark to take decent pictures, which is why this post is a little late after all. But anyway, let's get to the good part: books!
What I Read
- Us (Him #2) by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy (ebook), 2/5 ★
- Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle #1) by Jay Kristoff, 5/5 ★
- Hooking Up by Helena Hunting (ebook), 3/5 ★
- An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson (ebook), 3/5 ★
- The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #1) by Rick Riordan, 4/5 ★
- I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella, 4/5 ★
I started the month off with a little disappointment. After loving the first book in this series, this second one was quite the let-down. Him had been so wonderfully different from the usual New Adult books and I loved it. Unfortunately, all the unnecessary drama and sappy proclamations of love returned with a vengeance in this second installment, and I was not pleased. It got bad enough that I had to skim-read the last pages of the book because I was really over the whole story. This is especially annoying for me because I kind of saw this coming and didn't pick up this book for a long time because of it.
Luckily the next book I read in November made up for the bad start. Nevernight had a pretty big reputation to live up to, and it managed it flawlessly. I loved everything, from the unusual writing style to the dark and brutal plot. I want to wait a little before moving on to the second book in the series, but I have high hopes that it will continue to be purely awesome!
This was your fairly typical and enjoyable New Adult story. A quick and entertaining read as long as you can overlook the fairly high level of drama and very stereotypical, all-around-horrible ex-boyfriend. I also realized a little too late that this is a companion novel to a previous book which I probably should have read first, not because anything important was spoiled in this one but to get a little more background information on the characters.
Unfortunately, An Enchantment of Ravens did not live up to my expectations and left me quite a bit disappointed. I wrote a full review for this one here.
Luckily, the first Percy Jackson book did not let me down. Unlike many people that have had a deep love for Percy Jackson for years, I have never read these books before and, naturally, was quite intimidated to start the series. But it turned out to be worth taking the plunge. The Lightning Thief was fast-paced, entertaining and made me laugh out loud at times, so all around I'm very happy about this book and can't wait to continue with the series and dive deeper into this world.
I recently got back into Sophie Kinsella when I picked up her newest book on a whim. Since I loved that one, I felt like reading more by her again, and this was her only standalone novel that I hadn't read yet. It was just as fun and entertaining as her other books, and I'm so glad I picked it up! It's also safe to say that it was fairly addicting, considering I finished it in one day. Unfortunately, the ending was a little too dramatic and over the top for me, which made me take off one star.
New Books
Did you have a good reading month in November? What was your favorite book? Also, can someone please tell me how we have already advanced to the last month of the year? I mean, everyone is probably preparing posts about their favorite reads of the year and such, but I just don't feel ready yet. This is scary.
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