Well, hello there. I haven't uploaded anything to this blog in February yet and that makes me feel so bad. Worst of all, I don't even have a good excuse for why I haven't been posting for the past (almost) two weeks. So I just thought I would give you a general life updated of what has been going on here lately and maybe you'll understand just a tiny little bit why blogging hasn't been my top priority.
- So, first of all, Uni is starting again next week, which means I am starting my second semester and big bad exams are waiting for me at the end of it (only in June but I'm already very much freaking out). That also means that I'm currently enjoying my very last week of free time.
- My boyfriend had exams until the beginning of February and before that we didn't really have a lot of time to spend together. So we're catching up on that at the moment. Yesterday, for example, we went sledding with some of our friends and enjoyed a lovely sunny day in the snow.
- We currently have a dog living with us. Admittedly, this doesn't really have an impact on my blogging, but it's still exciting. Her name is Ginger and she is super cute. My sister is dog-sitting her for a week and a half and I'm just taking a lot of pictures of her and not being very helpful at all.
- Most importantly, though, I haven't been reading a lot in February. I only finished The Bane Chronicles two days ago (finally) and then picked up The DUFF yesterday (which I also finished yesterday, so that's good). And when I'm in a little bit of a reading slump, I'm usually also in a 'blogging slump' since I do get pretty much all the inspiration for my blog from the books I read (which is pretty obvious considering it's a book blog).
Ugh, these are really bad excuses but I just didn't feel like blogging or reading or anything except being lazy and playing video games or watch movies/TV shows with my boyfriend (we are loving Outlander at the moment). I hope you can understand, I'm sure everyone is going through times like this.
BUT I obviously want to get back on track and show some more love for this blog. I might want to change a few things, though. First of all, I'm not really happy with doing Top 5 Wednesday anymore. I loved posting these in the past, but lately I couldn't really find anything for the given topics, so I just posted nothing at all. Since I do love lists and it's, to be honest, also easier to write something for a given topic, maybe, maybe I'll join Top 10 Tuesday instead. I love reading those posts but choosing ten for each topic is intimidating to me.
Also, I want to (kind of) defend myself and mention this. I haven't been slacking everywhere. On Instagram, I'm doing the #feb15bookchallenge #halfbloodvalentines challenge and post a picture every day in February for that one. Which might not be impressive to most of you, but to me it is. Let me know if you have a bookish instagram, I love to follow new people.
Okay, so that's it, I believe, for what I wanted to talk about today. I hope you don't mind me rambling about my life from time to time.
How is your February going so far?
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