Friday, April 26, 2019

10 Popular YA Series I Haven't Read

With Trash My TBR and the likes going around, I've also been inspired to take a look at my goodreads to-read shelf lately, out of curiosity for what I would find there. Like many people, my goodreads tbr has gotten out of hand a long time ago and I tend to add books randomly and then forget about them days later. So today I want to talk about some popular YA series that I found that I never ended up starting, even though they seem to be beloved by many people. These are all older releases that people were talking about a lot when I first started my blog around 5 years ago, which I think is why most of them also happen to be dystopian.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Some Thoughts on Audiobooks

For a long time, I strictly stuck to physical books and ebooks for my reading. Audiobooks had always been kind of a mystery to me, and I never thought they were really for me. I tried with an audible subscription a few years ago but ultimately cancelled it because I didn't use it enough and it was too expensive for what I was getting out of it. These past few months, however, I have really discovered audiobooks for myself. And much like I did with my post about ebooks a while ago, I want to share  my thoughts on audiobooks today.

I am currently studying abroad and only a select few of my physical books made the journey here with me. This ultimately meant that I had to find new ways to read during the months I'd be staying away from home. At first, I was sure that ebooks would take centre stage because I've always loved ebooks as an addition to my physical books and I even got an e-reader for Christmas last year for this purpose. Turns out, though, that ebooks aren't playing as big of a role in my reading nowadays as I had anticipated.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Tome Topple Readathon TBR

I don't usually participate in readathons because they kind of stress me out and most of the time I don't realize they're happening anyway. But! As part of my attempt to be more active on my blog again and as an incentive to keep reading even though I'm abroad and so not constantly surrounded by my bookshelves as a reminder, I decided that taking part in the Tome Topple would be a great idea. Well, the timing might not be perfect since I have midterms coming up, but I'm still going to try my best.

The point of this readathon is to read, you know, tomes. The readathon runs from April 13 until April 26, so two weeks to make my way through as many giant books as I can! For more information, definitely go and watch the announcement video by Sam of Thoughts on Tomes. I love the idea of tackling intimidating books that, let's be honest, I've been putting off for way too long, and this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

March 2019 Wrap-Up

I was debating for the longest time whether it's even worth writing this post considering how little I read in March, but now here I am with a belated wrap-up. The month started out really strong and I finished two books within the first week of March. Of course, I wanted to keep the momentum going and so I picked up the third book in a beloved series, because nothing can go wrong with that, right? Unfortunately, I was very wrong, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's first look at the two books I finished in March.