Sorry it's been so long but last week has been kind of busy and I've actually wanted to tell you all about it on Sunday but then I spent Sunday basically sleeping all day (I'll let you know why in a second) and then yesterday I didn't write either and I don't know why and aaah..
So it's been quite busy at work lately. Well, it hasn't been that busy for me because my boss basically spends all day on the phone talking to clients (I work as a lawyer's assistant) and then at 5 p.m. when I'm starting to think of leaving, he finishes his phone calls and usually has about a thousand things he wants me to do. So I've been spending my days mostly waiting around all day and then being swamped in the evening, which means I'm always home late and therefore tired and don't really have anything to write about anyway. But then last Thursday my sister, my mum and I went to see Art on Ice.
Art on Ice is a figure skating show (not like a competition) with live music and there's always really famous figure skaters performing and it's quite cool. My brother gave the tickets to us for Christmas and I've been really excited because I like watching figure skating and I thought the live music would be nice too. I didn't really expect to like it as much as I did. I mean it was simply amazing. I had already fallen in love with it during the first half of the show but nothing prepared me for the awesomeness of the second half! Hurts performed live (how cool is that?) and their music just went perfectly with the figure skating and it was so beautiful to watch and listen to. I was absolutely blown away. I never expected anything like that. Plus, the lighting was really cool as well and it just all went together perfectly. So it was basically a figure skating show, a live concert and a light show all in one. How much better can it get?
Here are some really bad pictures that I took with my phone (sorry!):
So on to the reason I didn't write this post two days ago. You see, my friend from work turned 20 last Wednesday and she invited a lot of us from work to her birthday party on Saturday. So we all went to Lucerne (which is like two hours away from where I live) to celebrate her. Turns out two hours is quite far away because I ended up coming home at 8 a.m. on Sunday. So I hope you forgive me for having a great night out and sleeping it all off on Sunday.
And then that's pretty much everything I've got to tell you about my last week. Thank you so much for reading, you are awesome!
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