Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Top 5 Worlds

Hello there. It's Wednesday again and this week's topic for Top 5 Wednesday is Top 5 Worlds. This was quite hard for me because there are so many that I liked but I tried my best and decided on five. 

5. The Mortal Instruments / The Infernal Devices
The Shadow World is so fascinating and versatile, I had to include it in this list. It took me a while to warm up to it but at the latest once I got to the Infernal Devices, I was in love with it. I also really enjoy that Cassandra Clare is writing different stories all taking place in the same world so that we can explore different aspects of it and learn about all the different sides of the Shadow World.

4. Throne of Glass
As you may know, I absolutely love the Throne of Glass series so it shouldn't come as a surprise that I'm including it in my Top 5 (again). But I didn't just choose this because I love the books but because I think the world building is really well done in this series and I especially loved it in The Assassin's Blade, where we got to discover different locations on the map of Erilea.

3. Ready Player One
I just finished this book today and it was fantastic. Ernest Cline describes everything in so much detail, I could almost see it. Plus, there isn't just description of one world (which is the earth in the year 2045) but he also created a second, digital one. In the book, the people find refuge from the ugly real world in an online one called OASIS, where the possibilities are endless. You could be who you wanted to be, go where you wanted to go and do what you wanted to do. This online world has become such a huge part of the people's lives and is wonderfully described to the reader so that at some points I honestly forgot that I was reading about the main character's online avatar and that the actual person is sitting somewhere logged into a computer. It was so easy to lose myself in the world inside the world of my book together with the main character.

2. A Song of Ice and Fire
This is another extremely well developped fictional world, where I wouldn't necessarily want to live myself but that I enjoyed reading about a lot. George R. R. Martin has a brilliant way of describing this fantasy world in a way that seems more realistic than most contemporaries taking place in the real one. He doesn't sugar coat anything and includes ugly and nasty details along with fantastic magical aspects. His world is brutal where our favorite characters don't stand a better chance than the evil villains. I loved reading about a hard and unforgiving world, it was refreshing in a strange way.

1. Harry Potter
Do I even need to explain this? I don't think so and I couldn't. I don't have any justification for why this is number one but the fact that I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter should be enough of an explanation.

So there you are, my Top 5 Worlds. Thank you for reading.


  1. I'm not yet sure about TMI but the world in TID was fantastic. I just need to connect a little bit more to TMI to really appreciate it. The Throne Of Glass world is amazing of course and the HP one the best out there. I haven't read Ready Player One yet but I'm definitly planning on. It sounds totally awesome! I haven't read GOT yet either but I love the TV show.
    Great Picks!

    1. I totally agree with you. :) I always preferred TID too but I think it's good to read TMI first. Ready Player One is a fantastic book and GOT is amazing too, even though I understand that it can be a little intimidating to start a series of five books, each at least 800 pages long. But I think it's worth it :) love the TV show too, can't wait for the next season to start.

  2. Hi Karin! I've just nominated you for the Liebster Award :) x.

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