Wednesday, April 1, 2015

March Wrap-Up

Hello there and happy April! March went by incredibly fast, I can't believe I'm already writing my Wrap-Up. I didn't read all that much but as I explained in my last post, I'm trying not to let that bother me. I'm also trying to not be bothered by the fact that my last post was uploaded on March 16 when it's April now already. I just haven't had any inspiration for blogging lately and since I haven't read a lot of books I want to review this month, my blogging suffered a little (okay, a lot). I'm sorry. I'm hoping to have more time and ideas in the future but it most likely won't get any better until the end of June, when I'll finally be finished with my first year of University. It's just all a little stressful at the moment.

Buuuut anyway, let's talk about books.

What I Read 

I read three books and four graphic novels this month and that is okay with me. Most of all, I'm proud of myself for trying something new and picking up a graphic novel, but I'm also really happy with the books I read (they were big and I took my time with them and it completely paid off!). So here's what I read:
  • The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson, ★★★★
    Thank GOD I finally picked up the Mistborn books. This first installment blew me away. The world building, the characters, the magic system, it was brilliant. This reminded me of why I love fantasy. Seriously, so good!
  • The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson, ★★★★★
    My goodreads two-sentence review for this one went like this: "I hate half the things that happened in this book.. but in a good way! This is such an interesting and unpredictable series, I can't wait to see what the last one brings." I think that sums up pretty much all the feelings I have for this book and the series in general - a lot of things happen that I wish wouldn't but at the same time I can't stop reading. It's just an amazing series.
  • Saga Volume 1-4 by  Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples, ★★★★
    These are, as I said, the very first graphic novels that I've read. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed them. I didn't expect to like these as much as I did, even if I still prefer 'regular' novels to graphic novels. I'm definitely going to continue with the Saga series though!
  • Shadowboxer by Cari Quinn (ebook), ★★★
    This book was pretty meh for me and I would've liked to give it 2.5 stars if goodreads allowed that. A full review should be up soon.
Along with these, I also reread some of my favorites this past month like Fangirl and Beautiful Disaster, or other books where I picked out a few scenes that I wanted to experience again. 

What I Bought

I bought three books and four graphic novels this month which I'm really happy about. Especially because, except for one, I've already read all of these, so my TBR hasn't grown over this last month. Success! So here's what I bought:
  • Clipped Wings by Helena Hunting
    I read this one last month as an ebook but because I'm stupid, I also wanted to own the physical copy.
  • Inked Armour by Helena Hunting
    Same for this one. I don't know why I always do this, it would make so much more sense to spend my money on books I haven't read yet, but oh well.
  • Saga Volume 1-4 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
    Already read these as well and they were totally worth buying.
  • A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
    I ordered this because it's the Little Book Club's book of the month for March and April. That makes three Victoria Schwab books on my shelf, all of which I have yet to read. Shame. On. Me.
And that's already it! I'm so proud of myself.

April TBR

I'm currently reading The Hero of Ages, the third book in the Mistborn trilogy, so that's obviously my top priority and I hope to finish it sometime next week (I'm about halfway through). I also finally want to get to I Was Here by Gayle Forman as well as Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. Other than that, if there is time, I'll read what I feel like picking up, as always!

Other Exciting Things Happening in April

I'm going to PARIS tomorrow for four days and am very very excited. I've never been to Paris even though it's only a four hour train ride from where I live. I'm still trying to decide whether I should reread Anna and the French Kiss or Just One Day while I'm there because, you know, Paris.

So that's it, I'm off packing now! Hope you're having a great day and a wonderful month ahead of you. 

What did you read in March?
Anything exciting to look forward to in April?

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